Redeem Gift Code
Enter your code here.
The Sonic Rumble app will launch once you redeem your code.
- Please be sure to read any warnings related to the promotion.
- Only individuals who have downloaded the Sonic Rumble app and have an account may claim the gift.
- Only gift codes deemed eligible on this site can be used.
- Each gift code can only be redeemed by one user.
- Gift codes that are 15 characters or more and start with a "G " can only be redeemed by one user.
- Promotions and gift code rewards may be altered, suspended, or canceled without prior notice under certain circumstances.
- If you have further questions, please check the gift code section in the FAQ.
- The gift code entry page is only accessible via Android and iOS.
- If you are using an iPad, turn off "Request Desktop Website" in the Safari settings to access the site.